The main specialization - pale skin mods for Avatar 2.0.
The store has a skin almost for any taste.
Some kits include face and body skin.
Important details there is a description and featured items.
On most products:
Facial skin mods is sold separately from the skin of the body. It will not be changed. This is done to ensure that every customer can choose the product according to their taste.
There is no customers work. It mean - i don't do to order commissions.
No refunds.
If you have an idea - realize it. If you can not do it, 'cuz you not a tallented - JUST LEARN HOW TO DO ANYTHING. I'm not a tallented person too. I studied, i study and i will learn. At your "BUSY" mode of your life U have a time for doing something. Working? WEEKEND. Learning? WEEKEND. All of us have a WEEKEND and some hours after work.
People, who spoil rating - is more rude than my words.
Redeliver information.
People, who make negative reviews will be blocked by vendor system and added to blacklist of the .::Kakurenbo::. Store.
Why? Because first for all, you need give to me your questions with notecard or for the best way - use ask. Because people, who don't respect shop owner can't be respected by me.
I don't want to lose customers questions, so... always give to me your notecard. IM dissappear.
I ignore questions about products by other creators. I don't advertising other creators.
If you want copy anything style from my avatars, just looking at my [blog]. There is not all, by the way, it's best.
I'll not tolerate customers, who used words at their reviews, like a d*ck, va*ina, sh*t. Before do it try to think what you can get with my responding.
You'll get items from the vendor and something as a bonus.
I'm not a gin from the lamp, who will reads your mind and fulfill your inglated dreams.
And i don't will give for your rude review good answer, I don't filth under your requests, because I don't do any custom work!
On most products:
Facial skin mods is sold separately from the skin of the body. It will not be changed. This is done to ensure that every customer can choose the product according to their taste.
There is no customers work. It mean - i don't do to order commissions.
No refunds.
If you have an idea - realize it. If you can not do it, 'cuz you not a tallented - JUST LEARN HOW TO DO ANYTHING. I'm not a tallented person too. I studied, i study and i will learn. At your "BUSY" mode of your life U have a time for doing something. Working? WEEKEND. Learning? WEEKEND. All of us have a WEEKEND and some hours after work.
People, who spoil rating - is more rude than my words.
Redeliver information.
People, who make negative reviews will be blocked by vendor system and added to blacklist of the .::Kakurenbo::. Store.
Why? Because first for all, you need give to me your questions with notecard or for the best way - use ask. Because people, who don't respect shop owner can't be respected by me.
I don't want to lose customers questions, so... always give to me your notecard. IM dissappear.
I ignore questions about products by other creators. I don't advertising other creators.
If you want copy anything style from my avatars, just looking at my [blog]. There is not all, by the way, it's best.
I'll not tolerate customers, who used words at their reviews, like a d*ck, va*ina, sh*t. Before do it try to think what you can get with my responding.
You'll get items from the vendor and something as a bonus.
I'm not a gin from the lamp, who will reads your mind and fulfill your inglated dreams.
And i don't will give for your rude review good answer, I don't filth under your requests, because I don't do any custom work!