Thursday, April 26, 2018


A lot of negative reviews made carelessly. Before explosing your verdict, which is not supported by any single fact - try to read and understand anything.
I got a lot of really poor reviews from loss of mental abilities of reviewers.
No logic - no support. I don't suppor arrogant and bad customers.
Arogant customers -
1. Type of people who prefer spoil review without trying to contact creator before. I'm really friendly with this support when customer contact me before trying to kill review.
2. Type of people who isn't used a DEMO version, who bought item and said "refund my money! because item isn't impressed me!
3. Type of people who trying to humiliate you "You must offer to me any gift for changing my review on positive."
Bad customers -
1. Type of people who don't read the description, who don't cares about "Work with Classic avatars" and give a negative review just because they was non careful.
2. Bad review without any reason.
3. Bad review with information that is misleading. (like - this item not look like on snapshot).
4. Foul language, abuse in the review (like a Cr*p).

What you can do with it? You can't do anything. I solved to deprive the support of impudent customers, this is my right. We have many rights, such as the intellectual property right.
If you are not satisfied with the attitude of the seller to the buyers, then you can create your store and your own rules.

Find at least one reason to not deny your support. It's does not affect on my own opinion as a creator. It doesn't make me unfair.
It doesn't make me a man with megalomania. I always reply on questions.
I give equal rights to users.

Bad feedback to the product of my store deprives you of support irrevocably. Whether you are a crook, a person who considers himself to be my competitor or an inattentive user - doesn't matter.
You made your own move, I answered to you my own move.
No reason to respect creator - no reason to respect customer.

[2018/04/25 14:28] Kyrah Abattoir: I just like how his shop banner is the epitome of creator arrogance :)
Честное заявление о грубости не делает человека высокомерным.
Нетерпимость покупателей не делает человека высокомерным.
Отсутствие денежного возмещения не делает человека высокомерным.
Отсутствие английского языка не делает человека высокомерным.

Высокомерным человека делает нежелание работать с продавцом, высокомерным человека делает желание писать о том, что баннер создателя магазина является высокомерным.

[2018/04/25 14:33] Amber (restrict1001): Isn't banning people from recieving updates because they left a less than favorable review of your product a breech of the terms of service?

Найди хотя бы один корректный негативный отзыв, который бы имел основание и место быть.
Каждый создатель магазина имеет полное право составлять правила (контракт) между покупателем и продавцом. Каждый имеет право качать свои правила.
Если под "менее благоприятный отзыв" имелись бы ввиду действительно менее благоприятные отзывы, то никто бы не лишал поддержки получения обновлений к вещам.